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Make Harvest Easier with a Grain Trailer Roll Tarp

It’s that time of year again! Harvest is either currently happening or has finished, and grain needs transported to its next destination. Grain trailers are filled with grain and then transported wherever it needs to go. However, your product needs protection while you’re on the road. Whether you’re looking to protect from the weather, dust and debris, or product loss from pests, a grain trailer roll tarp and installation will make harvest that much easier and efficient this year.

What is a Syntex Roll Tarp? How is it Different?

Grain trailer roll tarps are flexible and easy to roll and unroll no matter what your load by manually rolling a roll tube that uncovers/covers the tarp across the width of the grain trailer. All of our tarps are manufactured with heavy duty 18 oz. Vinyl material that is treated against UV rays and mildew, and welded seams that provide waterproofing and strength. Syntex roll tarps are completed with double stitched pockets for roll tubes and stationary tubes. All of our hardware is galvanized or aluminum, so it will not rust. We offer a two-year limited warranty on our Grain Trailer Roll Tarps.

Grain Trailer Roll Tarps Protect Against the Weather

The first and foremost thing that grain trailer tarps do is protect your product from the weather. The beating sun which could cause too much heat and drying, the rain which could cause mold and product loss, and the possibility of freeze in the coming weeks are all things which a grain trailer tarp protects against. Our tarps also protect against UV rays and against mildew when they are covering your product. Simply get your trailer filled and then use your grain trailer roll tarp to cover the product. This can be easily done with your standard roll tarp or even done from the cab of your truck with an electric roll tarp. Once covered, your product is safe for transport.

Dust, Debris, and Pests Stay Out

When you’re traveling, if you don’t have a tarp covering your product, you will inevitably get dust, debris from the road, and possibly pests in your grain. This is obviously not what you want to see for the best product yield when you get to your drop off location. A roll tarp solves this problem by letting you cover your grain securely on your grain trailer with no worry that pests, debris, or dust will be able to get to it. These are also nice for when you are picking up and all of the dust from other grain trailers are blowing on to your product. When you have a roll tarp, you need not worry.

Easy and Fast Installation

Not only does a grain trailer roll tarp protect you against the elements and other unwanted problems, but with Syntex it’s a fast and easy install. Give us a call and let us know you’d like to schedule a time to get your grain trailer roll tarp. We can install at our factory, unlike some competitors. We can also do two installs at once, as we have an outdoor pad when the weather is nice. Your grain trailer roll tarp installation will be done in just a few hours, and you’ll be able to get back on the road. No wasting a whole day waiting for your trailer to be done. Get back on the road and save time and money. If you already have a grain trailer roll tarp but it has been damaged, we also offer repairs. We’ll get your tarp fixed up for you so you can get back on the road.

Syntex Industries is Your Grain Trailer Roll Tarp Installer

When you think roll tarps, you should think Syntex. We offer the best of the best for reasonable prices that won’t empty your wallet. Whether you’re looking for a grain trailer, grain cart, wagon, dump truck tarp, or something else, we can work with you to make it happen. Protect your product and get the best outcomes with a roll tarp. Contact us today to get yours installed!

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